
So, there went the first year of divinity school, and not a single blog post update to show for it. Let’s just say that the summer language program last summer was a mite more stressful than I had expected (not to mention dealing with all the headaches of moving back into the same apartment from… Continue reading Really?

site updaets

So, we should be seeing some backlogged posts shortly. Ecto was having problems after the wordpress upgrade, and this distracted me from posting about: Amsterdam Jordan Dubai Turin Rome Edinburgh Cambridge The Birmingham pub crawl Munich the Final trip to France If nothing else, I’ll work it up on the plane. 🙂

Roma Day one

With only a few weeks left before the triumphant return to the United States, Beth insisted that we take at least one proper vacation. She suggested a week-long tour of italy, but I pointed out that either driving or taking the train between far-flung Italian cities would likely be extremely stressful for me, so we… Continue reading Roma Day one


So, I had one quick trip March 7-8. I flew into Amsterdam, hopped a train down to ‘S-Hertgenbosch, and took an exorbitant cab ride to Efteling. That’s right. I had a meeting in an amusement park. An amusement park whose symbol is a fairy tale gnome with chubby cheeks. I got to give a talk… Continue reading Efteling!

The downside

So, Salutations. I thought I ought to keep some sort of record of the Year Abroad (which, you know, means airports across Europe). May as well start with the dramatic. I can now say that I’ve been to see the pyramids in Egypt. Or at least to a hotel room with a great view of… Continue reading The downside